Case Study: City of Henderson NV – Water Reclamation Facility
The City of Henderson is the second largest city in Nevada and is part of the Las Vegas metropolitan area. In 1999, the city recognized the need for a satellite facility to support the areas increasing wastewater treatment and reclaimed water distribution demands and a new facility was built.
In the summer of 2002, the operations staff noticed a decrease in the sodium bisulfite feed rate. A mixture of sulfur and calcium were clogging up the lines. Looking at different options other than using acids to clean out the 200 feet of underground piping system, the operators gave ScaleBlaster a try. The water hardness level in Henderson is extremely high.
One SB-400 was installed on the incoming feed line.
December 17, 2002
As documented in a case study, the scale formation completely dissolved back into the water over a period of a few weeks. The operators were able to avoid the tedious job of acid cleaning the two hundred feet of pipe of limescale on a regular basis.