Basic Principles of Water Scale Elimination
In answering the question of how to soften water at home, we have been covering the basic principles of water scale formation and elimination. As a follow-on to our previous article discussing water scale formation, we will now cover the theory behind why the ScaleBlaster electronic descaler is an effective hard water scale remover and eliminator.
The theory behind ScaleBlaster electronic water descaler
When it comes to pipe scale removal and overall water scale removal, the ScaleBlaster electronic descaler is the most safe, effective and affordable option on the market today. The ScaleBlaster unit itself is comprised of a signal cable wrapped around a pipe. The unit sends out a complex, dynamic current to produce oscillating fields inside the pipe. This causes molecular agitation which ultimately results in water scale removal and prevention.
Induced Molecular Agitation (IMA)
ScaleBlaster’s frequency modulation signal produces an IMA inside the pipe. When water and water scale causing ions are treated by the IMA, suspensions of soft and less-adherent calcium carbonate crystals are formed, thus removing the dissolved calcium and bicarbonate ions from a supersaturated solution. This is known as hard water scale removal. The IMA also breaks hydrogen bonds in an aggregate of liquid water, freeing water molecules from the aggregate and increasing the solubility of water. The unstable supersaturated calcium carbonate solution become stable, thus resulting in the prevention of water scale buildup.
Overall water scale removal, including pipe scale removal, can be easily and effectively accomplished by the ScaleBlaster electronic water descaler. If you are looking for how to soften water at home, look no further. The ScaleBlaster is not only an effective hard water scale remover, but also a powerful when it comes to preventing water scale from forming.
Interested in learning more about the science behind ScaleBlaster’s water scale removal and prevention capabilities? Read our detailed brochure Principles of Scale Formation Elimination.